The Bible discloses the will of God, reveals the state of man, points out the way of salvation and
the happiness of believers. Its precepts are binding, its stories are true and it’s judgements are

Seventh-day Adventist Inter College, Roorkee was founded in 1927 by F.H.
Loasby as a pioneer missionary school. It was later operated as a training
school for mission workers in the North-Western Union. Gradual growth
followed and the curriculum was expanded to meet the demands of the
growing number of students from Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. In 1942,
under pastor E.R. Streeter, it was recognized by the General
Conference of Seventh day Adventists and Southern Asia Division as a
Division Co-Educational School.
In 1961, the school was recognized by the Uttar Pradesh State Education Department as a Junior High
School. Under the leadership of Dr. E.A. Streeter, the School was further upgraded to the class ten level.
The institution strives to cultivate in every
student habits of disciplined living, virtuous grooming and
aesthetic enhancement to promote self-esteem and make them
useful citizens of this country.
The program of the Roorkee SDA Inter college is based upon the
following philosophical position.